• No, it’s your job to follow the rules and etiquette of the road. In some states, it’s illegal to camp in the left lane, though it’s unfortunately rarely enforced. I’ve heard it actually enforced in Germany though, so perhaps outside the US it’s more of a thing.

    My state has “keep right except to pass” posted on most roads, and I’ve seen it in many other states as well. So do that.

      • When did I say that? I’m quite considerate if I do say so myself. And I practice what I preach, I’m rarely in the leftmost lane, I’m as far right as I can while traveling the speed I want (usually within 5mph of the speed limit), and I help a healthy amount of space in front and behind me.

        I suggest you do the same, if you’re not already. That’s proper etiquette, and in many areas it’s the law.