Ill start, I never used a check. The only way I can get a house is waiting for my parents to die.

    1 year ago

    I’ve written checks at the grocery store to get cash. My high school had a smoking area and we drank wine coolers at lunch. I wasted a lot of time in AOL chat rooms and downloaded songs overnight - the screech of dialup is burned in my brain. I’ve bought new albums, 45’s, and cassettes and played my mom’s 78s. I owned a car with an 8-track player. I own a house and wish i could afford to move to a smaller one.

          111 months ago

          I am 56 and that dial up sound, the handshake. I remember that so vividly but was on Usenet forums not AOL.

          And had a car with an 8 track player but only one 8 track recording, Deep Purple.

          High school outdoor smoking area.

          Landline phone “party line” not even a private line when I was really little, can vaguely remember picking up the phone and not being able to dial because someone else was talking on it, though we only had one phone.