Disturbing reports continue to emerge about mass graves in Gaza in which Palestinian victims were reportedly found stripped naked with their hands tied, prompting renewed concerns about possible war crimes amid ongoing Israeli airstrikes, the UN human rights office, OHCHR, said on Tuesday.
all palestinian violence against israel is self-defense.
Uaing that same logic, you can’t get mad when civilians are bombed then.
We got a live cracker here
Deadassed wrong; Palestine isn’t a settler-colonial abomination. There’s no call for their civilians to be bombed; and if you think there is, you might be a cracker-assed settler who needs to go back to where their ancestors came from
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Opening with eugenics! Bold today, aren’t we?
If you had the first iota of literacy or reading comprehension, you’d see that my complaining is about Zionists, and that there’s a couple instances of my making sure that I split out a deliberated, principled difference between genocidal Zionists, and the Jews that protest their being used as a shield by those perpetrating the butchering of Palestine. Or are you one of the ones who has to conflate Judaism with Zionism to make the hasbara accusation of antisemitism when public opinion doesn’t go your way?
If you were a part of a marginalized, oppressed, still-shackled minority, and you had to watch members of your community sell out to the oppressor, shucking and jiving for them at every turn, you’d be a little bit pissed about it too-- but expecting someone like you to have any kind of empathy is kind of a tall ask; I get it.
…And? See the previous entry and try to put it together yourself.
Do you expect anybody to fixate on the world’s ills 24/7? Not even the most diehard anticolonialist, not even the most principled communist is capable of that (and I’m FAR from the most principled, trust that), they’d burn out and become useless to the cause after that. But again, expecting you to know anything about maintenance of one’s principles and staving off the kind of nihilism neoliberalism inflicts on its atomized populace is like trying to explain particle physics to a pigeon. All you get is a shat-on table for your trouble.
Please suckstart a shotgun with your one-day-old profile havin ass; dealing with scratched crackers like you is tiring.
Even willingly targeting civilians?
Settlers are occupiers and therefore, not civilians.
Including people who didn’t really decide on where to live, like their children?
Well that’s an interesting moral line in the sand to draw in this case.
I think wanting to avoid innocent civilian deaths is a moral line that is valid for both sides.
While I agree with that, it doesn’t feel like your question to the other commenter carries quite the weight in this specific context as it might in others given that neither side has been clean about this, and it’s not the Palestinian side that has intentionally blown up a playground within the past week.
I do generally think it’s hard to equate the two fairly in this context, given the power differential between the two forces and their relative capabilities to be discerning if they so chose.
I apologize if I misunderstood you, but there is no both sides here. The united nations recognizes the right to armed struggle against occupation.
It even mentions the Palestinian struggle explicitly.
Adults who were born in Israel, yes, children, no, but your handwringing is funny, since dead Israeli toddlers are purely hypothetical, and you clearly give no fucks about dead Palestinian babies.
Stick your hand in a blender and turn it on.
I do. Mentioning civilian victims on Israeli an side doesn’t mean I don’t care about civilian victims on Palestinian side, this point was simply already covered largely.
Also please refrain from personal attacks and other violence threats.
You: actively defending genocide
No, I am not defending the war crimes of Israeli army nor the ones of Hamas. Just read what I wrote, there’s no more to imagine.
You’re pointing out the crimes of the victims rather than the oppressors. That’s defense of the oppressors no matter how many mental backflips you do to pretend it’s not
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What my comrades said, and also, stick your other hand in the blender too
That’s a pretty serious claim. Do you have any evidence to support it?
I find different sources saying about 30 children were murdered, but given that some bodies were mutilated or burnt the counts are not obvious. https://www.factcheck.org/2023/11/dozens-of-children-died-in-hamas-oct-7-attack-on-israel-contrary-to-online-claim/
Killed by who?
I’m aware that some of the hostages that were taken were children. All accounts suggest that they were treated well, for hostages anyway. Its important to recognize that the Zionist regime keeps thousands upon thousands of Palestinian hostages, many of which are children. The Zionists could have negotiated an exchange, ensuring the safe return of all Israeli hostages. Instead, they decided to bomb the living shit out of Gaza, pretty much ensuring their demise.
This is fake and discredited
It’s tragic, but that’s what happens when your state primarily defends itself with human shields.
Which state are you talking about?
Palestine is a country, not a state.
In my main language those are often confused, so let me rephrase, which country?
Israel is a state, not a country.
Why would there be Israeli children inside places like the West Bank or Gaza?
Because they were reborn there or moved by their parents.
Why would an Israeli family be living in the West Bank or Gaza? And who would be more likely to be killing their children, Israeli occupation forces or Palestinian resistance to the occupation forces?
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If a civilian comes at you with a weapon, trying to kill you, are they still a civilian?
If a civilian stands in front of relief trucks, sending food/medicine/clothes/tents while the military destroys food/medicine/homes, are they still a civilian?
If a civilian cheers every time one of their country’s soldiers shoots a random person or when a bomb in dropped on a hospital, or when missiles are fired at the places went to get away from the fighting, are they still a civilian?
'Cause, from where I’m sitting, being okay with slaughtering people kinds makes it seem like they aren’t ‘innocent’ in this.
I don’t think this applies to the general understanding of innocent civilians indeed.
So now it switches from civilians to “innocent” civilians.
Israelis are willingly targeting civilians. Where is your hand wringing about that?
I would also mention them if everyone here was not already doing that.
I don’t think Hamas has sniper drones shooting children coming and going from hospitals in Israel
If a German occupied my home during 1940, I’m telling you he wouldn’t be a civilian to me. He’d be a complacent thief. A low life settler.
There are no civilians in Israel; every settler is a combatant by virtue (ha) of their theft.
And before you start pearl-clutching and morally peacocking like I know you would if not for this addendum; no, I do not factor Israeli children into my calculus. It sucks for them that their parents decided to either become, or carry on the family tradition of being settler scum; but does Israel ever consider Palestinian children? No. They don’t. Israel calls Palestinian children Hamas when it suits them; ergo, I don’t consider Israeli children. At all.
You mean IDF veterans and reservists?
It’s sad that some children died, but collateral damage is inevitable in war and there’s no proof that Hamas deliberately killed children (unlike Israel, which has murdered over 12,300 children - higher than the last 4 years of wars combined!)