So maybe the huge worry people had after the news that WHO would classify it as cancerous was a little too much. I think the media could have reported on it in a bit more responsible way.

    12 years ago

    I think it’s incumbent upon adults to see media blitzes as probably exaggerated and studded with misinfo.

    If you don’t buy the initial wave, the accuracy of news goes way up.

      12 years ago

      The problem is most people aren’t doing that, and even those who do get second hand/rumors/stories from other people and eventually succumb to misinformation.

      I’ve heard many times that X is cancer causings. I wish it was one wave that you could ignore but this shit gets repeated entirely too often, and even if it’s not, the misinformations operates outside of the individual, because downstream products (diet coke) moved away from this because of bad PR.