Idea: if you mod a community on a lemmy.somewhere you should be able to migrate it to lemmy.elsewhere which would include all post & comment links being forwarded and subbed users having their subscription updated to reflect the new location.

I’m aware this would be a way down the road as user account migration alone is still not great but it would be a great feature for the fediverse to have to avoid centralisation and mod/server admin wars.

    92 years ago

    And somehow be redundant/mirrored/backed up. Hacks, crashes, instance owner gets pissed, decides to take their sandbox and everything in it. Lots of ways and reasons that communities wlll disappear and a way to recover might be helpful.

      52 years ago

      All of this could be there with the protocol. The matrix protocol saves the comments and content in a directed graph, and that graph is copied to every instance, once one views it. It may not scale though. But it has benefits, such as encryption (making communities private or gated when under attack)

        32 years ago

        I’ve been out of this loop for decades, but can see a train wreck if this vulnerability isn’t addressed.

        Matrix says, “The functionality that Matrix provides includes: Creation and management of fully distributed chat rooms with no single points of control or failure…”

        I don’t know what ‘fully distributed’ means. But one potential way of securing everything might be through something like torrenting. Have all Instances on several servers, such that the loss of a single server or Instance couldn’t wipe out a community. If that happens more than a few times, I could see federating setback considerably.

        That’s my two cents, and I’ll leave it to the smarter and more capable folks to resolve.

          22 years ago

          when a user on a server is in a room it is “hosting” the room so if the server the room was made on goes down, everyone who’s not on that server can still talk in the room, that does make the hardware requirements higher compared to XMPP for sure which is a downside but I do feel like the positives outweigh the negatives personally at least

            2 years ago

            Proper backup protocol raises HW requirements. But if you want to do something right, it’s just the cost of doing business. There’s the old saw, “If you don’t have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it again?” But there may not be an opportunity to do this one over.

            I foresee moneyed interests working steadily, diligently, relentlessly (with paid labor!) to help this entire effort fail. The success of this concept represents the loss of inestimable billions to today’s dominant platforms. Those corporations will, as always, work hard toward their self interests.