As per title. None of my IRL friends would have a clue what to do with it, so I want it to go to someone who knows what they’re doing.

Not selling or trading so hopefully this is still within the rules. If this gets a lot of responses I’ll just choose someone at random.

Edit: this had a lot of responses and is now complete. In the interest of fairness I ran 1-67 (the number of responses) through an online RNG and sorted by new, the result was 18 - congratulations @TopRamenBinLaden

  • Right, but that’s not what I’m saying. It’s not about hitting good ratio on individual torrents, because as you’ve already seen that’s actually very hard to do. You will have accrued points on those torrents, which you can then exchange for upload credit. This is probably where most people’s ratio comes from on TL. Other sites are different, but TL is very generous in this regard.

    • nevernevermore
      22 years ago

      wow, clearly I didn’t read enough after sign up. thanks so much for the intel!