Anyone have any recommendations for a game that’s like Dance Dance Revolution? My wife really liked that game back in the day and I am looking to get her it or something like it as a gift.

We have a PS5 and Xbox One S. We also have a Switch that I could get a dock hooked up to the TV, but she usually uses it in handheld mode. If there’s not really any options for those systems we also have some older systems in storage while we finish some construction that I could dig out (most systems dating back to SNES).

    62 years ago

    It’s a bit more of an investment than just a game, but the various rhythm games for PSVR2 are scratching similar itches for me. Beat Saber in particular has filled the void ddr left behind.

        32 years ago

        Beat Saber is definitely worth it if you could afford it. It’s the only game since DDR that has scratched the same itch for me.

        If not then there’s also the Just Dance games on switch but they’re a lot more casual. If you want a more fitness type game then Ring fit Adventure on the switch is good.