Not me. I have a client who’s a very sweet old lady who’s business is doing real bio science to treat cancer patients with cannabis extracts.

She’s very easily frustrated with technical problems and definitely has the boomer attitude that if you buy something expensive, it means it’s good. But she’s been getting more and more pissed about enshittification and big software companies screwing over their customers over the last couple years. Adobe’s new TOU has her hopping mad. She has all the research papers she’s worked on over the last 20 years in Creative Cloud.

I’ve been consulting with her off and on for six years and she will get SUPER frustrated with glitches and trouble shooting. I don’t think there’s anything out there that will work for her to ditch Adobe. But I thought I’d ask here, see if there’s anything she might try.

    110 months ago

    Personally I’ve loved Pixelmator and have an old non-subscription copy I still use from time to time. If they’re still offering single-purchase versions, my recommendation is to get that. It’s an amazing Photoshop replacement.