I got my car (2020 Ford Fusion Hybrid SE) new 3 years ago at $25k for a 6 year loan @ 0% interest for entirety of loan, $350 a month payment. I’m about halfway paid off and have about $12.5k left on it. What should I do? I just get sick of paying $350 a month.

  • BrerChicken
    162 years ago

    Most people are skipping the important point here, though I did see it at least once: the money you pay now is worth more than the money you’ll pay next year, or the year after that. That’s true not only because of inflation, but also because of your own earning power. Are you making the same amount of money today that you were making 3 years ago? Probably not–I’d guess that you’re making a little more. That means that each dollar you spend was a little easier to get, and is thus is worth a little less. The 12.5 K that you would pay now is probably worth more to you than it would be if it was spread out. So spread it out. The more dollars you pay later, the less those dollars are worth. This is a no brainer on a no interest loan, but it can still be true even if you’re paying interest, though the calculation gets a little complicated. If you have a relatively low interest loan, it might make more sense for you to keep making payments than to try to squeeze it in all at the beginning, especially if it’s a house mortgage (which are usually long-term). Those monthly payments, in 20 years, will be worth a lot less than they are now. It might seem crazy, but it doesn’t always make sense to maximize payments at the beginning of a loan just to reduce interest because 2023 dollars are not the same as 2043 dollars.