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Patrick Breyer, a staunch defender of digital rights, laments the Pirate Party’s exit from the EU Parliament as a blow to online privacy.

    1810 months ago

    I considered voting for them, but I didn’t.

    The reason is because there are other parties with comprehensive plans for digitalisation / IT stuff PLUS lots of other plans for healthcare, economy, infrastructure, etc.

    Pirate party seems like a party focused on IT stuff only, whereas I also care about other topics, such as international trains, subsidizing healthcare, improving education and lots of other things.

    (I voted for Volt Nederland BTW)

      810 months ago

      Well as a represenetive of the Swedish Pirate Party I can only speak for them. But here in Sweden we don’t only focus on “IT stuff”, but also things like for exampel Immigration, Education, Klimate and Cultural politics and allot more! And from what I have understood from our fellow European Pirates they do to! Maybe not all but if they don’t have it yet I’m sure they are working on it! And I’m sure that if you where to talk to them they would love to hear your thoughts and opinions!

      After all we are all equals on the Pirate Ship!

      And if you are interested in what we Swedish Pirates stand for you can check it out here in English!

      110 months ago

      Yeah, I voted for the Pirate Party but I’m probably gonna vote for Die Linke (eng.: The Left) next election