I thought this would be a fun but useful post.

If you had one piece of advice for gardening, what would it be? Like that one thing your discovered or learned that to your results to the next level.

Mine: Mulch your fruit trees well. This will help retain moisture and also keep grass and weeds from popping up which could compete with the tree for nutrients.

  • @ThrowawaySobriquet@lemmy.world
    410 months ago

    Huh. I’m gonna try this next season. Maybe do some stuff this fall like that. I wonder how well this will work for surface sows like lettuce

    • NataliePortland
      410 months ago

      I did it with Romaine and it went great. I did water the romaine and I found the soil under them to be better at holding water. Also I just planted our tomato starts and pressed firmly on the soil around the stem. I’ve noticed the soil where I pressed holding water on hot days when all else is dry