hello hello!

beeple, I’m wondering what you like to play video games on the most. from cellphones to a custom watercooled pc, what’s your favorite?

I grew up a nintendo fan (my first console was a super nintendo) that ultimately shifted towards pc gaming after the wii (and some associated issues surrounding me getting it) because I really love rpgs and the wii didn’t have a huge selection that I could find as a kid.

that said, I had a gamecube and playstation 2, and of the two I was partial to the gamecube more. I’d say the gamecube is probably my favorite console, but with the caveat that I started with the super nintendo very young, so I didn’t get to play any of the classic Final Fantasy games on it or anything. I got to play those later, and I enjoy them now!

but ultimately I game on pc most of the time (I just dusted off my switch and found Mario Odyssey, so I’ve been playing that a little while my computer issues get sorted out) and don’t feel a pull towards sony consoles any more because they started putting games on steam as well. including Persona, my beloved game series.

what about all of you?

  • Beko Pharm
    19 months ago

    I get the charm of a console for gaming. Just switch it on and go. Still prefer a PC at the end of the day though. For once my preferred genres are very unrepresented on consoles and since I dabble in DIY I do not have that level of freedom on a console or mobile phone. Well, do some extend. Fiddling around with key remappers that hijack on the accessibility system is horrible. Anyway, I enjoy tinkering and this is not really something consoles are known for, no?

    This said it is very amazing that I can just e.g. fire up Waydroid nowadays, connect an X360 controller and play AmongUs with the little one on my Linux PC. That level of possibilities is mind boggling.