Some Firefox users noticed playback issues on YouTube for several months. These affected high resolution videos only, from 1080p and up. To make matters worse, no clear pattern could be identified.

Some videos played fine, others would stop abruptly when they ran out of buffer.

            109 months ago

            That’s a lot of effort, given how many people I am subscribed to. And I wouldn’t say that it’ “peanuts”, after all they redistribute 55% of YouTube Premium earnings, that’s a lot more than what other similar subscriptions give.

            • Brickardo
              49 months ago

              Would you support that kind of business model if you were at the other end, knowing full well you could be earning more? Then again, this is an age-old question…

    • SGG
      99 months ago

      For your experience to only be degraded a little.

      For an slightly better but still degraded experience they want you on Google Chrome. But remember please use 360p or lower so their poor servers don’t have to work so hard, they even help you do this by default on mobile!

      29 months ago

      I also pay for YouTube, and I keep chrome around for watching it, and for the Google apps