I feel like that game literally changed my life in the 2 hours or whatever it took me to play it.

That game is so beautiful. It made me a better person.

I was absolutely entranced.

  • @essteeyou@lemmy.world
    119 months ago

    The soundtrack alone is worth playing the game. The incidental multiplayer where you can’t communicate directly and you don’t see the name of your friend is brilliant.

    It’s a game that will stay with you for a long time, sort of like Firewatch in that way.

    • dindonmasker
      49 months ago

      Are there still enough players to always connect you to someone else?

      • @nadiaraven@lemmy.world
        69 months ago

        I played late at night and no one joined in the game, but I played at norml hours twice in a row and found companions. So I guess… Probably usually there are enough people playing