• @porl@lemmy.world
      39 months ago

      That’s just the way you write the rules being deprecated, not the functionality.

      There is move left/right within a workspace, move to specific workspace and then move to next/previous workspace (from memory using e+1 as the workspace name in the command but might be misremembering). Admittedly this isn’t exactly the same as what you want; I replied from my mobile and checked when I went back to my desk. I usually use meta/shift/[num] to send to a specific workspace though as I make heavy use of them.

      • @Samueru@lemmy.ml
        19 months ago

        That’s just the way you write the rules being deprecated, not the functionality.

        I didn’t say that it is impossible to do it, just that after I read the documentation it told me that.

        Something that I couldn’t even find in the documentation was how to do several actions with one keybind, on i3 each action is separated by a comma and you can assign variables to them, for example:

        $BIND $MOD+$SHFT+Mod2+KP_1 $MVTO $WS1, $WS1, $WDUNST "$WS1"

        Which means:

        bindsym Mod4+Shift+Mod2+KP_1 move container to WorkSpace "1", WorkSpace "1", --no-startup-id dunstify -r 33 -t 600 "$WS1"

        In english that is move the focused window to workspace 1, focus workspace 1 and send a notification of the current workspace (the last one is for some visual feedback).

        • @porl@lemmy.world
          9 months ago
          ### Multiple binds to one key [](https://wiki.hyprland.org/Configuring/Binds/#multiple-binds-to-one-key)
          You can trigger multiple actions with one keybind by assigning multiple binds to one combination, e.g.:
          # to switch between windows in a floating workspace
          bind = SUPER,Tab,cyclenext,          # change focus to another window
          bind = SUPER,Tab,bringactivetotop,   # bring it to the top
          The keybinds will be executed in the order they were created. (top to bottom)
          • @Samueru@lemmy.ml
            29 months ago

            Oh it’s done by assigning the same keybind to each action.

            That will likeky make my config 1000 lines long 😅