Have you went down any internet rabbit holes only to come out with a deep set existential crisis? If so, what are they?

  • @TokenBoomer@lemmy.world
    19 months ago

    It is anecdotal, but compelling. Determinism can’t be falsified, but neither can free will. The neuroscience is interesting, and shouldn’t be dismissed. Sapolsky’s debates are informative.

    • @absGeekNZ@lemmy.nz
      19 months ago

      It only seems compelling, there is no base rate of non-similar twins separated at birth. Is this 1 in 2 sets end up like this, every one, 1 in 100,000?

      The neuroscience is interesting, but it is not in any way predictive. It is all post-hoc rationalisations of what did happen.

      As I said above, I’m an engineer and look at this from a physical sciences point of view. There is no model (as far as I’m aware) that can predict what will happen except in very specific psychological experiments.