is there a bookmark manager like jabref for linux url bookmarks?

I use Jabref for papers and books. I group and rate them and keep track of reading status. There are a lot of websites that also provide valuable information but firefox’ bookmark manager can’t be used to rate sites or make comments. I can manually add links which is cumbersome.

Is there a similar tool like jabref for internet links?

In the optimal case it would take firefox’ bookmarks and work with them such that I can bookmark a site with Ctrl+D and do all the site related work within that manager.

edit: Bonus, if it automatically fetches the article to preserve it

  • lapislazuli
    9 months ago

    There’s Zotero. I haven’t used it but seems to have a feature called ‘Collect with a click’ which should allow adding bookmarks.

      09 months ago

      I use and like Zotero and the one-click-save feature in Firefox is very convenient (IIRC, it takes a few minutes to set up though).