Why must I agree to be terms and conditions to play a game I bought 10 years ago? I just wanted to play some Civ. 2k games are the prime example of what is wrong with the world of gaming.

  • DebatableRaccoon
    109 months ago

    Control freaks laying out blank canvases for themselves and taking away your consumer rights one cut at a time. As a legitimate owner of the Mafia games on PC, I can report having a significantly better experience with pirated copies since they don’t require their terrible launcher.

    • sunzu
      29 months ago

      How pirated is that copy if you own a license?

      How is it purchaser’s problem that entity selling licenses are unable or unwilling to deliver the the product beyond the license? Or if they do, it is on their terms lol

      • DebatableRaccoon
        39 months ago

        It’s pirated because it’s not through official channels and has the DRM removed, including the requirement for the 2K launcher.

        As for the rest of your question, so long as I’ve understood that mess properly, it’s the buyer’s problem when companies start taking away the games we’ve paid for becauae they’re hiding behind a license despite never disclosing the purchase had an expiry date or conveniently left out what that date is as time of purchase.