Goodreads is perhaps the best example of enshittification imo. It’s only good now as a way to track your reading lists.
I tried bookwyrm today and it feels quite polished already, like giving you a guided tour of it’s features. Hopefully it takes off as well similar to mastodon and lemmy.
I like BoomWyrm, but they are so many duplicate books because there are so many different published versions of a book. I think these need to be combined somehow. If people really want to choose the cover of the exact book they read maybe you could be able to choose your cover.
It has this already - see editions under the book. Some books have been added incorrectly as new books though.
Storygraph has this too, but they helpfully provide an “editions” button on each book and you can then select the exact one that you’re reading.
Could be a solution for this app too.
That’s true, duplicate copies of the same book is perhaps the main pain on bookwyrm right now. On the other hand it also feels like a problem that devs must be aware of and are actively trying to figure out a solution for.
In Whakoom, a spanish website to keep track of your comics collection, they have this functionality to add different editions to the same book, so they are linked and you can search other editions when you’re seeing the book details.
In Whakoom, a spanish website to keep track of your comics collection, they have this functionality to add different editions to the same book, so they are linked and you can search other editions when you’re seeing the book details.
awaiting discogs for books
Late response, but there is BookBrainz, the book-equivalent of MusicBrainz. It’s catalogue isn’t as big as OpenLibrary but they’re doing way better on the front of keeping their data clean and without duplicates. I hope someday it will find more users and be the base for other apps to built upon.
Yeah, and so much isn’t recognized when importing your Goodreads books. Didn’t like it for that reason.