Calckey/Firefish is based off of Misskey, a powerful microblogging server on ActivityPub with features such as emoji reactions, a customizable web UI, rich chatting.

Wow, what a wild ride, huh? From those first brainstorming sessions that sparked Calckey, to the epic journey that brings us here today, rebranding as Firefish - I’ve gotta say, I’m seriously blown away.

One year ago, Calckey was just my side project, after being a Misskey contributor for a while. But when y’all jumped on board, you made it so much more. You transformed it from my dream to our reality.

Firefish isn’t just a cool name. It’s everything we’ve been working towards. It’s late nights, strong coffee, wild ideas, laughs, and even the occasional tears. It’s our little space on the web where we’re constantly pushing for the next big thing, and always looking out for one another.

So here we are, at the start of something new. Firefish is more than just a rebrand - it’s a celebration. A celebration of you, me, and us. It’s a tribute to the amazing community we’ve built together. Firefish is all of YOU.

  • kuchai
    492 years ago

    Really don’t know how they thought of the name Firefish without thinking it would make people think of Firefox first. Like how did they brainstorm this name, it makes me wonder

      2 years ago

      Huh interesting. I immediately had a positive reaction to the name because of this. Love Firefox. already loved Calckey err I mean Firefish though so I suppose I am not objective.

      It really conveys the open and user control centric nature of the project. An homage to the fox. You have now not just the fox but the fish with which you can tame the raging fires of the web. Fish makes more sense than fox too cause the web is like an ocean. Idk just thoughts