Mine is Pokemon HGSS (the amount of content is mindboggling), Pokemon Platinum (grandest Pokemon experience) and Pokemon Black 2/White 2 (most fun and unique playthrough). I’m also looking forward to buying Legends: Arceus on the Switch, have heard many great things about it!

  • @hoodlem@hoodlem.me
    22 years ago

    HGSS for me too, such a huge game—16 gyms! Plus apriballs :-)

    Second comes ORAS. Fantastic remakes.

    Also, I have a sweet spot in my heart for Colosseum and XD.

    • @mathlad@lemmy.worldOP
      12 years ago

      I agree! The amount of gym battles was a HUGE selling point for me, though it’s funny how Misty had lvl50 pokemons in HGSS while in FRLG she was rocking lvl20 max 😂