With this post I’ve taken a bit more of a practical turn compared to previous Post-Architecture posts: It’s more aimed at providing guidance to keep (early) architecture as simple as possible. Let me know what you think!

  • AggressivelyPassive
    48 months ago

    No, that’s my point. Providing the builder factory as an abstract way to construct an entity, it is an abstraction. It removes you from the actual detail, that’s an abstraction. But it also introduces extra complexity, which in turn negates the value of the abstraction.

    In reality, the intention is an abstraction, the result is often enough a bad abstraction that introduces more complexity and adds indirection.

    • John
      08 months ago

      @agressivelyPassive if you routinely call indirections abstractions, then ‘premature abstraction is the root of all evil’ holds. If you separate the two concepts, you might think differently.

      If my team’s codebase had a business logic class that had a concrete dependency on an EntityBuilderFactory, I’d vomit a little, but I wouldn’t delete it (can’t piss off too many people all the time). But I would route around the damage by allowing the class to depend on the EBF *or* something else.