Cybersecurity firm Crowdstrike pushed an update that caused millions of Windows computers to enter recovery mode, triggering the blue screen of death. Learn …

      98 months ago

      To be fair this seems to be the sentiment on most Linux and linux-ancillary forums.

      Which while wrong and ignorant on multiple levels, seems on brand none the less.

      • Phoenixz
        8 months ago

        What is wrong with saying that a paid product that is far inferior to a free (both as in beer and freedom) product should be dropped in favor of said free product when said paid product has embarrassing failures, scandals and abusive behavior on pretty much a weekly basis?

        How long ago was it that Microsoft testified in front of Congress after deciding they weren’t going to fix a security hole because the negative press would cost them contracts (and thus money) which resulted in China successfully hacking the US government? A month or so? What did the Microsoft dipshit say again? Oh yeah, THIS time (after all the previous times) the CEO would be on top of security, weally! And more importantly, weeewe sowwyyyy, we won’t do it again.

        Yes yes yes, this is a different provider, who cares? Its a core product that is only there because their system is so badly Designed in the first place.

        These are.paid products and millions if not billions of machines went down and I’m the bad guy for saying that this is not acceptable and that people should drop that paid spyware and anware shit for Linux, which is free and a hell of a lot more reliable than this windows crap? YOU ARE PAYING MONEY FOR THIS, YOU STILL GET ABUSED AND THEN ITS STILL NOT RELIABLE! WHY DO YOU A ACCEPT THIS BULLSHIT? what is wrong with you?

        Edit: At this point it’s hard not to see these reactions as a beaten and abused wife saying “oh but my husband really isn’t such a bad guy once you get to know him!”. I don’t get these attitudes, why do you accept this treatment from a multi billion dollar company?

    • Phoenixz
      -108 months ago


      Seriously, why?

      Linux is a free system with a fraction of the daily / weekly issues that Microsoft has. Its Been like this for literally decades now.

      Microsoft Sella expensive paid systems that spy on us and still feed us advertising. This week, Microsoft and vendors caused likely billions of dollars in damage. Will there be any consequences? Nah. Even better; If I say stip using Microsoft software, I’m a bad guy!

      Just a few months ago, it came out that Microsoft consciously decided not to fix critical security hugs resulting in hacks in the US government bu the Chinese government. There was a senate hearing in this where they weally weally promised this time they would behave. I said the same back then, install Linux already and got the same responses, I’m making Linux look bad!

      So I ask you… HOW? How exactly am I the bad guy here, why isn’t everyone shitting on Microsoft and it’s providers for fucking this up so so wonderfully bad, AGAIN…?

      And mind you, we all pay for this shite. Why hasn’t anyone there hone to jail for causing shit like this by making decisions that obviously knowingly would cause this shit?

      But yeah, you’re riiiiight. I make Linux look bad, and we wouldn’t want that, now would we?

        • Phoenixz
          08 months ago

          Are you? Since you’re only able to feign an insult, I’m guessing you’re not the brightest

            8 months ago

            I wasn’t only able to feign an insult, I already responded to you that you’re making Linux look bad. You’re definitely a teenager with a small attention span and unable to recognize user names. I don’t actually hold it against you, I’m glad you’re interested in FOSS!

            Your advocacy is simply not effective though, insulting people for their choices may make you feel superior but it sure doesn’t make them feel good. Instead - recognize that other people are equally intelligent, and they make informed choices. As an advocate for anything seeking to sway a neutral public your purpose is to inform them of better choices, and if you do so positively and with charisma, you will associate the subject of your advocacy with said positivity in the minds of the public.

            So instead of all those rants, you could’ve simply wrote a quick and concise:

            " Linux doesn’t have these problems :) (it has other problems) "

            and been updooted to the top.

            • Phoenixz
              08 months ago

              Yeah, been there, done that. I’ve been on a Linux desktop for over 25 years now and I’m done with the corporate Microsoft bullshit that I’ve dealt with for over 30 years of my life. If you’re new here, cool. I’m not, my patience is gone. If all Microsoft offices burn to the ground tomorrow I’ll be celebrating. I’ve had so much shit, so much time lost, so many frustrations, I’m done