Mine is Pokemon HGSS (the amount of content is mindboggling), Pokemon Platinum (grandest Pokemon experience) and Pokemon Black 2/White 2 (most fun and unique playthrough). I’m also looking forward to buying Legends: Arceus on the Switch, have heard many great things about it!

  • merfolk
    42 years ago

    Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire always stick out to me. I’ve always loved Gen 3, and these games combine the nostalgia with the new systems so seamlessly for me.

    • Cambionn
      22 years ago

      Yeah same here. I grew up playing Ruby on an old non-backlit GBASP. Those good old days where i had to hang against thevwindow in the car, playing by only the flashes of the street lights. Having that back in modern technology and some modern tweaks (like XP-share no longer being an item that can be knocked-off and lost forever) and with 3D graphics is great.

      Soul Silver is second for me simply for allowing me to have my pokémon walk behind me.