PSA (?): just got this popup in Firefox when i was on an amazon product page. looked into it a bit because it seemed weird and it turns out if you click the big “yes, try it” button, you agree to mandatory binding arbitration with Fakespot and you waive your right to bring a class action lawsuit against them. this is awesome thank you so much mozilla very cool

So, Mozilla adds an AI review features for products you view using Firefox. Other than being very useless, it’s T&C are as anti-consumer as it possibly can be. It’s like mozilla saying directly “we don’t care about your privacy”.

    398 months ago

    FakeSpot is a hilarious company run by trend chasers, “crypto enthusiasts and web3 believers.”

    If Mozilla chasing the AI trend isn’t bad enough, and their privacy policy doesn’t hurt your soul, FakeSpot also only works on the biggest and most predatory platforms (Walmart and Amazon).

      298 months ago

      FakeSpot also only works on the biggest and most predatory platforms (Walmart and Amazon).

      that also happen to be by far the most popular, and also where you are the mos likely to see fake reviews

        138 months ago

        “If the privacy invasion and corporate trend chasing doesn’t hurt your soul”?

        Did you miss the privacy invasion where Mozilla now sells private data to advertising companies directly?