• @TootSweet@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      Yes! Though I think it was the name of a species, not the name of an individual one. But they called all the individuals “Poot”. Kindof like they call all Pikachus “Pikachu.”

      There was one scene where this alien lady put a poot in a Tupperware container (apparently they don’t need air?) and pressed down on the middle to push the last of the air out as one does and the noise it made was a “poot” sound.

      I also recall one kid receiving a pet poot. One of the aliens just ripped a poot in half to get two poots and handed one over.

      Damn. For how little I’ve thought of that series since reading it as a kid, I’m amazed at how much of it still lives rent-free in my head.

      The URAT was a kind of pocket Wikipedia. There was one scene where a character was a brain in a jar for a bit before being reassembled. So many great stories.

      And I’m 100% sure if I reread it now, I’d regret it.

      Edit: Huh. Looks like they released new editions with different cover art that suuuuuuucks.

      • @TallonMetroid@lemmy.world
        58 months ago

        IIRC in the last book it was revealed that the poots were all psychically linked or something, and apparently humans were similar, except our physical separation caused some sort of generational trauma and is the reason humans are so fucked up.

      • @Geek_King@lemmy.world
        58 months ago

        I remember a scene where a Poot mimicked the face of the main character! I remember thinking the poots sounded cute as hell! And yes, those new cover art are awful!