For me it’s Chrono Trigger. I always want to play it. I want to show it to my children. I hope it will be regarded as a masterpiece for generations to come.

    42 years ago

    It did for me at first then I got mad at it when I felt like all the battles were so unexpected and undefined. There’s no damage, health or dmg/sec listed its just hope your mobs are more mob than those mob

      12 years ago

      It does feel like the battles are very player dependant until you hit high enough amounts of mobs. Keeping you back line protected is super important. It also does a terrible job of understanding special abilities for mobs or towns. For example there are some mobs with the special ability “immortal” where about 30 sec after they die they will rez, and each time after the chance halves. Using them as a front line with strong ranged is very powerful and can win fights the game says are impossible. Another one is the Pyre faction building, Infernal Gate. It summons units into battle for you based on how much it’s upgraded with sulphur. With just a few upgrades it becomes a practically non stop stream of free units that refreshes ever fight. As long as you keep your real units alive it’s very difficult to lose a fight after a certain point with enough upgrades.