from her telegram

    • ProfessorOwl_PhD [any]
      698 months ago

      Go into the notes of almost any of their releases and you’ll find borderline schizophrenic screeds full of hate and bigotry. Racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, thinking the Harry Potter series is good, all kinds of shit. Also, at least once she said she was going to jail because she was caught cracking something but kept putting out releases without any disruption. Here’s one from the time she was accused of being a trans woman (cw: all of the above)

    • Rose Thorne(She/Her)
      418 months ago

      It’s genuinely a lot. EMPRESS has an ego, and has started shit with anyone they can. This ranges from other crackers, to repackers, to the people requesting cracks. They see themselves as the hot shit because “I’m the only one who can crack Denuvo”.

      8 months ago

      she pretended she got arrested by some guys on reddit who leaked her address

      some serious people ON REDDIT managed to report me to authority with my real address, i am not quiet sure how it happened, but even with putting my philosophical side aside, i think i pissed off the entire internet just by trying to control “MY” own crack for 24 hour is actually something i am still not able to believe. in less than an hour, i will be dragged out of my home here with my lawyer, but considering i was caught red handed while preparing version 2 fix for my immortals crack, i don’t think there will be much of hope against it at all.

      Her message to those who had insulted her was totally not at all bitter – she thought they were ‘all beautiful people’ who she definitely didn’t hate, because they had just made a mistake. This was all somewhat rich for a woman who was rapidly developing hints of megalomania and power-madness.

      And then she made an Obi-wan-esque speech about ‘remembering me’ and ‘contuing on my path’.

      Everyone was quick to point out the flaws here. The police generally don’t bust down your door, catching you ‘red-handed’ cracking Denuvo, then call you to tell you they’re going to arrest you in an hour, so you have time to write out a long and dramatic letter blaming others for your woes. —this write-up

      empress good cracker
      emperess get big head
      empress thinks shes plato reincarnate
      she is not
      empress mad she isnt seen as brilliant as she feels
      empress gets banned from reddit
      empress drip feeds latest crack out of spite
      empress hates repackers for taking attention she deserves
      repackers turn their backs on her
      empress is """""""raided""""""" by police
      empress is miraculously freed the next day

      also went on a weird ass transphobic rant in one of her nfos

      img 1

      • Christian
        8 months ago

        -day/night, etc

        Once she pieces together that dusk and dawn are in there too she’ll figure out day should be mid-day and night should be mid-night. She’s right there to becoming history’s second timecuber. All she needs to do is take that step past duality, from two to four.

        88 months ago

        Literally everything she listed there except life/death has gradients. Like does she not realize that words like Day, Night, Hot, Cold, are all just terms humans applied to describe something? Has she not heard of cool, warm, dusk, dawn, twilight, noon, afternoon, evening, morning?