Linux noob here. Usually in Windows if I have a 1TB SSD, I make a 250GB partition for Windows and all of its things and I use the rest for a second partition where I install my stuff and store my files.

Usually in case Windows decides to go belly up, I still have my files. In more than 20 years it has never happened but I’ve always done it like that. I mean if Windows goes bad, I can still remove the drive and insert it into a different PC and copy my files away.

Should I shrink Partition 3 and make another one? Or keep it as it is? If I would, I read that I need to boot with a live usb to be able to shrink it. What kind of partition would I make?

    72 years ago

    The SSD write distribution theory sounds plausible but do you have any sources on that?

    I wouldn’t be surprised if SSD controllers distribute writes across partitions, transparently to the OS; if I was an engineer designing these things that’s how I’d do it.