My family is visiting for the week, so I have an extra outlet for all these squashes and zucchini. One of our pumpkins is going haam and I’m excited for those to start ripening.

What’s growing on with you all?

  • Rin
    37 months ago

    My english lavender almost died, but I realized in time that it was getting too much water. It’s thinned out some in the center but seems to be growing outwards pretty well and it’s blooming again. I’ll take it as a win.

    My aloe and haworthia are still going pretty strong! I’ll have to take a picture of them sometime. The aloe developed a brown center but is still growing and there are more stalks(?) growing out of the center even, so I think it’s okay still?

    My mom recently got a tropical hibiscus that I’m not sure I’ve mentioned before. I’m not a big fan of it, because it blooms one day and the next day the blooms are on the ground.