I’m 25 now. My friends are either 18-19 or 45-60 with nothing in between. It’s been like this my whole life.

  • southsamurai
    117 months ago

    I’ve always tended to have friends across ages, though my twenties were a bit less broad, and skewed older other than a small handful of friends from high school.

    By my late twenties, it had broadened back out fairly well. But I was into stuff that tends to be all ages, and the high school friends were more spread out as they graduated, got jobs and such, so it was a few my age that I was very close with, and the rest were newer friends.

    Now, it’s more in clusters. I’m fifty now.

    There’s the group that’s around my age; my best friend, some guys from my disability support group, a few exes and their spouses. All within a few years of 50.

    There’s a much older group that I made friends with when I was working still; mostly family of my patients. There’s also two guys that were my teachers in martial arts, that I’m close to. I’d say the youngest of those is 72, the oldest being 88. The one lady may have had a birthday and be 73 now, we don’t really keep track of birthdays.

    There’s a younger group, in their late twenties to early thirties that I met through family around that age, plus a guy that works at the closest convenience store that was just really cool.

    Then there’s the “kids”. Some of them were students right after covid let up, but before I had a knee injury that made it difficult to give lessons, and they ended up moving on to other teachers (martial arts stuff), but still keep in touch. The rest are only kinda friends, they’re more a friend group I fell into via gaming with my kid, and I’m the token old fart that doesn’t mind them being kids while we game.

    Youngest of those says he’s 15, but I suspect he’s a little younger. Oldest just graduated last year, started college this year, I wanna say she’s still 18, but again, it isn’t a close kind of friendship. Don’t even know what most of their faces look like lol. Just voices over the internet. Good kids though, and might turn into real friends as they mature and move into life. Harder to be friends with folks that aren’t adults, you have to keep distance and watch where conversations go, so there’s not much depth there.