Linux people doing Linux things, it seems.

    7 months ago

    Not even, it will suffocate on its own by having the capitalists keeping their changes from each other. Like a bucket of crabs; where if one crab is about to get free the others grab onto it and pull it down.

    Kernels really benefit from being “forced” to share the code changes as the GPL license, they are too tied to HW, and HW needs a lot of capital when iterating.

      37 months ago

      Permissive licenses mean faster and more widespread adoption, it’s up to project maintainers if the tradeoff is worth it. Ideally a company would realize that an open source part of their project probably isn’t radically going to affect their revenue stream, but you don’t just have to convince devs, you have to convince the suits and lawyers, and they will tell you to just build your own rather than give up any precious IP.