The poll is over, and the result is clear:

#FireFox users have very little interest for Chatbot integration into their browser.

I am very much aware that the people, who voted in this poll are hardly a representative sample, but more than 2.4K people is a better size than many “professional” opinion polls.

@mozilla & @firefox should take people, who actually care about their #browser choice, seriously.

I still seriously believe that #Mozilla’s fate matters,


  • MinaOP
    7 months ago

    as being a prominent and established way of accessing the internet without using a product owned by one of three three tech giants.

    No niche browser can play the same role.

    To me, hopping onto a running train doesn’t seem to be the way to go when it comes to creating and keeping trust:

    People, who think that cars are a terrible way of getting people around in cities, don’t want another Tesla, they want a good bike.

    Here we have a problem, common to many non-profits:


    @mozilla @firefox

    • MinaOP
      7 months ago

      Fake Professionalism!

      I don’t believe that CEOs, who demand a 7 digit salary, have the ability to understand the soul and heart of a collective of people (in the case of many #FOSS projects: some of the world’s most skilled and talented programmers), who donate lots of their time and energy for a project they believe in, and hence lack the credibility and skills necessary for making them thrive in the long term.

      Firefox’s ever falling market share proves that.



      @mozilla @firefox