• @randomaccount43543@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    The right wing parties PP + Vox did not reach the required 176 votes to form a coalition and no other party is going to support a government with far-right party Vox, so that possibility is ruled out.

    Then, the socialists need to secure the vote of nearly all non-right-wing parties to be able to form a coalition, including support from all Basque and Catalan nationalist parties:

    PSOE (122) + Sumar (31) + ERC (7) + Junts (7) + Bildu (6) + PNV (5) = 176 votes needed to appoint Sanchez as PM

    This is going to be interesting how negotiations develop in the following months. If they don’t succeed, we will go to repeat elections in around 6-months time.