Same rhetoric, policies, party, etc.

Would he even make it pass “grab em by the p****” in 2016?

  • Snot Flickerman
    86 months ago

    because women approach him and treat THEMSELVES as sex objects.

    Maybe it’s the victim blaming…

    • ObjectivityIncarnate
      16 months ago

      It’s not victim blaming because he’s not referring to the same women you are. Like it or not, there are plenty of women (no one is saying it’s all or most women, by the way) who will pursue rich men with the desire for a purely transactional “I’ll fuck you so I can have your wealthy lifestyle and/or a part of your fame.” They’re perfectly content with that arrangement, as are said men.

      Johnny Depp’s girlfriends for decades have basically all been women in this category, even now that he’s way past his prime aesthetically. The women accusing Trump of sexual impropriety are, obviously, NOT in this category.

      Women are not a hivemind–different types of them can exist in the same society, you know.