You know those sci-fi teleporters like in Star Trek where you disappear from one location then instantaneously reappear in another location? Do you trust that they are safe to use?

To fully understand my question, you need to understand the safety concerns regarding teleporters as explained in this video:


I wouldn’t, because the person that reappears aint me, its a fucking clone. Teleporters are murder machines. Star Trek is a silent massacre!

    62 years ago

    The general idea is a teleporter rips you apart and the atoms go to the destination to be reassembled in the previous state.

    Whether or not it kills you is speculation. Arguably you’re pretty dead if you’re ripped apart atom by atom, and then a clone is assembled using the same parts.

    But I don’t think it’s answerable if the recreated “you” is a clone or not until people can figure out what the mind even is.

      2 years ago

      Death is a state in which your biological functions cease. So no, it doesn’t kill you, since you function properly after.

            22 years ago

            So you’d be fine with a scientist creating a perfect clone of you, and then killing you, letting the clone take your place?

            If it had the same memories.

              02 years ago

              Yes. Since i would still be alive and have no memories of being killed. There’s no distinguishion between a perfect clone and me. Sorry if you don’t like a “you” only being memories.

                    2 years ago

                    Consciousness is not based on memory or else computers would be considered conscious.

                    And if according to what you’re saying, a clone with all of your memories would mean you have two points of view. I could take your clone into a different room and you’d be able to tell me what they see. But it obviously wouldn’t work like that because your own sense of self would still be locked in your head and the clone would get its own sense of self, albeit one with the same memories.