
by doing a

ps aux | grep UserName

The output do not keep the LF[1] 😡

I’ve found some solution online by they involve 3 or more pipe | !

On my side, I’ve made this

ps -fp $(pgrep -d, -u UserName)

But still I found it not super human readable.

Is their a native way with ps to filter users ? or to grep it but the keep the LF ?

  1. linefeed https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linefeed#Representation ↩︎

  • @RavuAlHemio@lemmy.world
    86 months ago

    ps outputs a newline after every entry. What are you trying to accomplish?

    Do you have a username that contains a newline character? If so… why?!

      • @RavuAlHemio@lemmy.world
        26 months ago

        Kinda hard to encode it in /etc/passwd, which separates entries with newlines and fields of an entry with colons.

        Of course, you can activate some alternative user database in /etc/nsswitch.conf and then you can have your usernames with newlines in them, but at least half of the tools on your system that process usernames will take that personally…