At this point I’m very concerned about the open source industry relying so much on github. You have to remember that any project there can be swept away overnight because it doesn’t fit into the agenca of a large company, for example.

    6 months ago

    I think if syncing of (at least) upstream histories between clones was done automatically, they might consider that more in-line with their definition of decentralized.

    Also kudos to both of you for communicating your differences properly without resorting to arguments.

    I feel like so much of the arguing and trolling nowadays is simply due to a difference in subjective definitions and people not being able to calmly communicate that with each other.

      16 months ago

      100% agree, when I see something I disagree with on its face I try to default to “I probably don’t get something they’re saying, given that it’s only a couple sentences of written word, and a different person’s brain who wrote them”.

      It always makes for more useful conversation than defaulting to “ha what a dumbass”