Dozens of neo-Nazis are fleeing Telegram and moving to a relatively unknown secret chat app that has received funding from Twitter founder Jack Dorsey.

In a report from the Institute for Strategic Dialogue published on Friday morning, researchers found that in the wake of the arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov and charges against leaders of the so-called Terrorgram Collective, dozens of extremist groups have moved to the app SimpleX Chat in recent weeks over fears that Telegram’s privacy policies expose them to being arrested. The Terrorgram Collective is a neo-Nazi propaganda network that calls for acolytes to target government officials, attack power stations, and murder people of color.


    26 months ago

    Sounds more like you never dealt with them. I’m German, we still got plenty of ideologically challenged individuals in country, and they are not stupid.

    No idea what a glowie is, but those trump worshiping clowns you got in the US aren’t the people I’m worried about. Over here there is no discernible education gap between left and right wing.

    • sunzu2
      26 months ago

      Glowie is online slang for stassi types… Jan6 strung together abunch of mouth breezers for the Insurrection. There clowns were organized and support by the federal agents.

      Similar thing happened with “BLM” protests although those might have been taken over after they blew up.

      Current working theory of these events is that glowies play a key role in such events.

      There is also the legend of some military base having too much reddit traffic too.

      Either way, got to make your fed work for you, paying him good money anyway.

      26 months ago

      I’m Jewish and have had my living room windows shot at because my parents had a chanukkah menorah in the window and I had to hide my identity from everyone out of risk that they will be violent or treat me badly if they found out the religion I was born into.

      I’m very well versed with Nazis, white supremacists, and what other forms they come in North America. This isn’t a dick measuring contest.