This past weekend, my laptop decided it’s had enough and has given me the blue screen of death. I’ve put it in recovery mode, tried to reinstall windows, the works, and it refuses. I have no idea why. I was logged on, looking something up, and it went kaput. I wasn’t downloading anything, the computer was in it’s sleeve prior, not too wet, cold, hot, etc. Battery is fine, the laptop it’s self is maybe two years old.

My understanding is that Linux is a kind of system that you download the components to a USB or what not and then install it on your machine. Is that something I could do in this case? Or do I need to take it somewhere?

Edit: it seems I may have to check if it’s a hardware problem. The error code is Bad_system_config_info, but it changed to something else at one point but I didn’t write that one down. :(

    46 months ago

    I am a complete amateur, so take it with a big grain of salt, but it might be hardware problem, maybe the SSD has gone bad. The best way to test it might be to try install Linux, and use it for few hours from the USB itself in live environment