Gmail for Android should be one of the best email apps on the platform. However, I tried using it in 2024, and it is actually terrible.

      95 months ago

      I cannot reproduce any of these, though I haven’t tried to block any senders.

      I’ve never seen messages not show up in a search or in all mail. It doesn’t search spam or trash by default, but you can override that by adding e.g. “in:trash” if for some reason you needed to include those. It shows me the sender email address just fine when I tap on the header. It also marks a message as read immediately on opening it. I don’t see an option to change this on Android, maybe it’s a per-account setting you can change from desktop.

      5 months ago

      when was the last time you used it on Android, and was it on a modern device? about half of those don’t really apply/happen to me

      1: yeah search sucks sometimes, wish they’d fix it.

      2: you can block people, you just have to select the lower … icon

      3: it says ‘primary mail’ for me, but it is kinda annoying sometimes

      4: are you talking about how it shortens ‘’ to just ‘Steam’? because on a phone there isn’t much horizontal room and they have a verified system for businesses but I can kinda see what you mean

      5: It marked read nearly instantly for me. If it can load the text then it’ll mark as read which only takes like half a second for me.