I was really kind of surprised to learn how traceable BTC is. I knew the transactions were public but it was some videos I saw about Monero that really drilled in what the implications of that are in a world where the IRS is sniffing around exchanges and the FBI browsing the Blockchain.

So now I’m wondering why people even care about Bitcoin if the one feature it needs to have in order to be a currency that stands outside of institutional and government control.

And frankly I feel kind of duped because the Bitcoin gospel is so tied up with how private and subversive it is.

Anyways I’m here to learn.

  • @jet@hackertalks.com
    2 years ago

    Welcome! Bitcoin was a great first step, but it wasn’t the final step into he journey to digital cash. Lots of people got fixated on the tulip mania gold rush and didn’t consider what is necessary to be cash, heck most people probably don’t care about having digital cash, they are just gold rushers.

    Monero is clearly the best next step to a more democratic economy.