I know right? It’ll finally make pagents worth watching.
We should also get drag queen bodybuilding competitions. If everything is going to be reality TV for a while (support the strike, by the way) I’d at least want them to be entertaining.
I would love to see drag queen strong person competitions. Imagine log rolling in heels and an evening gown?
Ooh, or maybe like that next ninja whatever show. I can’t remember what it’s called. The one with all the crazy acrobatics and stuff. Imagine having to do that obstacle course where you hang from the bar and “jump” while holding the bar to the next slot, but you have to sing And I Am Telling You while you do it!
American TV could get real fucking good, real fucking fast.
Holy crapoli, I’ve tried other peoples heels briefly a few times. I have no idea how people even walk in them let alone log roll in them! That sounds like some great entertainment tbh.
Or imagine one of those lumberjack competitions where they scale the trees and top them.
I hope he wins. That’d be really funny.
Imagine a buff, bearded person that identifies as male wins in a contest that measures female beauty
I know right? It’ll finally make pagents worth watching.
We should also get drag queen bodybuilding competitions. If everything is going to be reality TV for a while (support the strike, by the way) I’d at least want them to be entertaining.
I would love to see drag queen strong person competitions. Imagine log rolling in heels and an evening gown?
Ooh, or maybe like that next ninja whatever show. I can’t remember what it’s called. The one with all the crazy acrobatics and stuff. Imagine having to do that obstacle course where you hang from the bar and “jump” while holding the bar to the next slot, but you have to sing And I Am Telling You while you do it!
American TV could get real fucking good, real fucking fast.
Holy crapoli, I’ve tried other peoples heels briefly a few times. I have no idea how people even walk in them let alone log roll in them! That sounds like some great entertainment tbh.
Or imagine one of those lumberjack competitions where they scale the trees and top them.
This is the kind of television we need!
Imagine them having to apply makeup while running chainsaws? It’d put japanese games shows to shame!
Rapper warrior ninja. :)
Someone call Kameron Michaels!
He has to come out in slacks, his special talent should be mowing the lawn. Tuxedo print t shirt for evening gown. REPRESENT!
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While I don’t like the concept of pagents in general, I would like to think that my own standards are pretty good, and I also think you should leave.
They were forcibly shoved through the door.
Neither did your mom. She just let some hobo pump and dump her, and now you’re walking around this planet spreading your shitheel ignorance.
Dude chill, don’t feed the troll.
Nom nom nom