Maybe something changed recently, but it’s not like keep from what I remember. Keep has easy to use lists, embedded images, card layout. I do love the simplicity of markdown though.
There’s many ways to do notes. Here’s the 3 ways that I tried. Keep in mind that I have iPhone, Android, and Windows Desktop and Windows Laptop… So I like options where it will sync seemlessly across all of those.
Tried obsidian. There was a feature that it was missing that made me completely give up on it. I forgot what it was but I remember it being something that all note taking apps should have. Like a no-brainer.
Then I tried NextCloud notes (desktop). Quilpad (android). Notebooks (iOS). Syncing between the 3 were terrible.
3a. Joplin. There’s an app for all 3 devices and so the user experience is the same everywhere. Used my NextCloud to sync and it worked amazing for a week. Then after that, I started getting sync errors every time.
3b. Made a free Dropbox account and switched my Joplin sync to that. Has been smooooooth sailing ever since. Also there’s a Backup add-on that exports all my notes to a folder on my desktop daily.
Nextcloud has a notes feature now that is pretty much comparable to keep. Has its own app too
Maybe something changed recently, but it’s not like keep from what I remember. Keep has easy to use lists, embedded images, card layout. I do love the simplicity of markdown though.
I since converted to joplin, love it.
There’s many ways to do notes. Here’s the 3 ways that I tried. Keep in mind that I have iPhone, Android, and Windows Desktop and Windows Laptop… So I like options where it will sync seemlessly across all of those.
Tried obsidian. There was a feature that it was missing that made me completely give up on it. I forgot what it was but I remember it being something that all note taking apps should have. Like a no-brainer.
Then I tried NextCloud notes (desktop). Quilpad (android). Notebooks (iOS). Syncing between the 3 were terrible.
3a. Joplin. There’s an app for all 3 devices and so the user experience is the same everywhere. Used my NextCloud to sync and it worked amazing for a week. Then after that, I started getting sync errors every time.
3b. Made a free Dropbox account and switched my Joplin sync to that. Has been smooooooth sailing ever since. Also there’s a Backup add-on that exports all my notes to a folder on my desktop daily.