Gonna be honest here i loved transmission until one day it just decided to stop working, no fixes would work, not even a full reinstall of it. Switched to qBit and it just worked so whatever
It it just me or does Deluge after a while use a lot of RAM? I keep using it, because I’m too lazy to look for an alternative. Maybe it’s just a memory leak in my linux distro’s version.
I switched to Deluge from qBittorrent a while ago and I don’t even remember what it was that made me switch.
I did the opposite and also can’t remember why I did it.
Story of my life.
What’s wrong with plain old Transmission?
Gonna be honest here i loved transmission until one day it just decided to stop working, no fixes would work, not even a full reinstall of it. Switched to qBit and it just worked so whatever
It it just me or does Deluge after a while use a lot of RAM? I keep using it, because I’m too lazy to look for an alternative. Maybe it’s just a memory leak in my linux distro’s version.