
In October 2020, Samuel Paty, a French teacher, was murdered following a false accusation by a 13-year-old student who claimed he’d shown anti-Muslim bias. The girl had made up the story to cover the fact she had been suspended from school for bad behaviour.

In reality, Paty’s lesson on free speech included optional viewing of Charlie Hebdo cartoons, but he hadn’t excluded anyone. The student’s story triggered a social media campaign led by her father, who, along with others, is now on trial for inciting hatred and connections to Paty’s attacker, an 18-year-old radicalized Chechen.

The school will be named the Samuel Paty School from next year.

  • Cethin
    85 months ago

    It’s because, as I’m sure you know, all religions have done the same. Speaking like you are is as hateful as what you’re claiming to be against. Fuck off.

    Criticism is valid. Criticism against an entire group of people without also giving voice to those in the group against it is fomenting hatred, which you should be against if you’re logically consistent (which I’m not accusing you of being because I doubt you are).

      25 months ago

      Christianity is just as much a festering wound on society. Actions like beheading because of some religious zealousy should not be tolerated.

        5 months ago

        When was the last time a Christian beheaded someone specifically in the name of Christianity? When was the last time you heard of a Jew or a Hindu or Buddhist doing a suicide bombing? When was the last time you saw a Bahá’í or Zoroastrian or Wiccan honor kill a woman in their family for being a rape victim?

        This whole all religions argument is bullshit and you all know it including the mods taking down my comments for being offensive even though it’s the truth.

        • Cethin
          5 months ago

          There are lots of African nations who kill gays and other groups in the name of Christianity. I’m not certain on their policies in other religions, but regardless it isn’t good. So yeah, probably yesterday or today is your answer.