Tesla has consistently exaggerated the driving range of its electric vehicles, reportedly leading car owners to think something was broken when actual driving range was much lower than advertised. When these owners scheduled service appointments to fix the problem, Tesla canceled the appointments because there was no way to improve the actual distance Tesla cars could drive between charges, according to an investigation by Reuters.
That’s fair, it really depends on your situation!
I’ve been driving a plug-in hybrid (Chevy Volt) for several years, and it only gets up to 35-40 miles on electric (sidenote: newer plugin hybrids get much better ⚡ range), but that’s enough for 95% of my driving. It has saved me thousands of dollars in gas over the years, helped with local pollution levels, and as far as I’m able to determine, has been better for climate change as well.
I have a Honda Insight and it has saved me a lot due to getting 49 mpg highway. Gas prices haven’t been an issue due to the small tank.
Don’t get me wrong, I want an EV and wish the US would subside some of the cost to get people to adopt the tech quicker. However, most of the EV companies are smaller with low production and low range.
For me, it doesn’t make sense yet. Hopefully, when the major companies start rolling out their products they will have better results. Plus I don’t want to support an open racist and let’s be honest a pedo.
I do have my eye on the Honda Prologue, 400 range would be great if they can accomplish it.