Not strict as in beatings; strict as in limited screen time, set bedtime and morning call, curfew, chore schedule, healthy diet and mandatory regular exercise, no smartphone, etc. We have a 15-year-old son.

    34 months ago

    My parents were strict in many ways, but the ones that bother me were the ones that didn’t have a sound reason behind them.

    Like, “You have to be in bed at this time so you can sleep enough to feel ok in the morning” was fine. So was “Do your homework first, then go play so you don’t have to worry about it, and you don’t get surprised by it taking longer and you run out of time”.

    But sometimes they’d be like "you can’t play video games but you can watch TV ", and that felt weird. I think they were just more comfortable with tv because they knew it.

    So I guess my questions are, do you explain your reasons and motivations?

    Do you ever back down if your child makes a compelling argument?