My daughter is 14, but I’m sure answers for kids younger or older can apply.

  • Track_Shovel
    34 months ago

    Yep we are next with lil PP pretty much guaranteed to get elected.

    • TSG_Asmodeus (he, him)
      24 months ago

      I wasn’t (as) worried until Trump won. Now we’re going to have Trump sycophants running our federal government.

      Here is a ‘great’ report on Canadian preferences for the States. It highlights fun facts like:

      Q: An American Presidential Election will be held in November. Which candidate would you most like to see win?

      Majorities of both men and women in Canada prefer Kamala Harris over Donald Trump. However, the preference for Harris is somewhat stronger among women (68%) than among men (51%). While only a minority of men prefer Trump, they are 12 percentage points more likely to do so than are women (27%, compared to 15%). Since 2020, Trump’s appeal has increased by seven percentage points among men (from 20% to 27%) and by five points among women (from 10% to 15%).

      And then we get to this:

      FIGURE 5 U.S. presidential election: preferred candidate, by federal vote intention (2024)

      And if you were curious if it was just a Con thing, as usual no, it’s men again:

      I’m extremely worried for my queer and female friends and loved ones. My queer child is already getting more and more aggressive threats from both people they know and don’t know. Two weeks ago it was threatening to attack them after school. Last week was a bottle thrown at them with a ‘vote Trump, fag!’ shout.

      I won’t stand by that, so I’m going to dress and act as out as I ever have, so they come for me instead. Come at me, Cons, I’m not afraid.