I’m trying to find any redeemable qualities that make me feel better for the time I spent reading it. I could have put it down, but the raving reviews made me think that it would get better.

It didn’t.

I loathed it. With passion.

  • @alloloto@lemmy.world
    64 months ago

    I read and enjoyed it but it was definitely very “hit you over the head” on imperialism/colonialism, and the ending was kind of predictable.

    The Poppy War trilogy, however, I am nearly finished with and I have absolutely loved. It is raw, honest, unpredictable, and very well written. Also long af.

    • modulus
      54 months ago

      I liked poppy wars but it was a bit too relentlessly nihilist for me. I thought Babel was, if anything, better balanced in terms of presenting empire as a system where people who are not inherently out to harm others end up doing so anyway.